Economic and social circumstances continued to weaken its power to influence events, and yet it remained a player in the game . 经济和社会状况继续削弱着它影响事态发展的能力。它仍然是勾心斗角的角逐中的一方。
Good or bad people are created by the social circumstances 好人坏人是因为社会的情况造成的。
In addition , most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances 另外,我们大部分人与相同社会背景的人一起长大。
In addition , most of us grow up with people of similar social circumstances 除此之外,我们大多数人在具有类似社会背景的人群中长大。
On the interactive effects between stereotypes and the causality construction of social circumstances 刻板印象与社会情境因果建构的相互影响